NOIR , BOUCHET, CITNY: Portrait of the Wall’s artists

Project of Lysanne Thibodeau. A film about the 3 artists of the Berlin Wall

“In Berlin, by the wall, it was very nice, it was paradise.” Lou Reed

Thierry Noir, Christophe Bouchet and Kiddy Citny, are the most popular & renowned artists to have painted the Berlin Wall. These artists painted over 2 miles of the Wall between 1984 and 1989. Painting the Wall had become an obsession for them. “Our goal was to paint as much and as fast as possible…”

Where have the paintings of the Berlin Wall, as a canvas, disappeared to?
Bouchet, Citny and Noir’s gigantic multicoloured frescos are today scattered around the planet. The most beautiful were bought at an auction in Monte Carlo in 1990. In 1999, the artists Noir and Citny won a lawsuit, after a nine-year trial, against the company that had sold their art without having given them a penny. Both of them shared $300,000! Where are these artists today? Recognised by the international art scene, they live from the proceeds of their art in Berlin.

The film shall tell the story of Thierry Noir and Christophe Bouchet (both Frenchmen), as well as Kiddy Citny (a German citizen) whose lives were deeply affected and inspired by the Berlin Wall.

"Ça m'angoissait tellement ce Mur, c'était physique, il fallait que je fasse quelque chose ou je serais devenu cinglé. Alors une nuit j'ai pris une bombe de peinture et j'ai commencé à peindre dessus." (Thierry Noir)

In November ‘89, the Wall fell and the artists felt relieved and proud.
"Un des premiers morceaux du Mur qu'ils ont enlevé, c'était une fresque que j'avais peinte. Ils ont dit que c'était la plus belle pièce et qu'ils voulaient la protéger. Des camions sont arrivés et ils ont emporté des morceaux énormes. Juste devant mes fenêtres. Qu'est-ce que je pouvais faire de plus? Du monde entier, les gens venaient arracher un bout du mur à coup de marteau. Le bruit m'a empêché de dormir pendant des mois. Mais j'étais content que le mur soit détruit. Ils ont tout goudronné maintenant, les touristes demandent aux Berlinois de leur montrer où était le mur. C'était une tragédie, ce mur, c'était comme un crocodile endormi, il ne se passait rien, tout avait l'air de stagner puis on apprenait que quelqu'un s'était fait flinger. C'est important de se souvenir, on oublie tout tellement vite. Le mur n'est plus là, mais les gens ont commencé à s'intéresser à moi. D'un seul coup, tout le monde voulait un dessin, une carte postale, des industriels ont même imprimé mes motifs sur des chaussettes... " (Thierry Noir)

Buyers and collectors keep showing interest. Wim Wenders has asked Noir to paint his characters on the wall that was reconstructed for his film WINGS OF DESIRE. The English rock band U2 asked Thierry to paint a Trabant for the cover of their album "Achtung Baby". The Art Store of the Check Point Charlie Museum, sells Noir’s watches called "Quatsch" and colourful clocks. Each year, Thierry Noir repaints the Wall relics at the East-Side Gallery, where his T-shirts sell and are becoming the logo of the reunited city.

This will be a film about three artists who might have stayed incognito had they not used the Berlin Wall as their canvas. A film about creativity in grisaille, but also about the post-Wall Berlin, twelve years after the reunification. Generations of Europeans were marked by the Cold War and the Berlin Wall. Today vanished, does it still haunt people and these artists?

I started working on this project before leaving Berlin in 1996. My first idea was to make a film about Thierry Noir. After reflection, I concluded that it would be more interesting to include all three artists, Bouchet, Citny and Noir, who have known and worked together since 1984. For this project, I am looking for German co-producers and European buyers. To be shot in Germany.